Sunday, July 23, 2017

There is no gate, stupid.

               Stupid Watergate is a term coined by John Oliver several months ago in a joke about the Trump administration Russian collusion scandal.  The joke was funny and I like John Oliver’s sense of humor.  That being said, referring to modern political scandals with the suffix gate takes away the seriousness of the situation.  The suffix gate has lost all meaning in American culture for several reasons. This first being it’s obvious and hyperbolic overuse.  Second, many Americans living in 2017 do not know or understand their own or world history, therefore, they do not grasp the full gravity which should come with the comparison.  Finally, because of the first to reasons, this political age needs its scandals to have a more well branded moniker as an icon for the current scandals.  I suggest Tower, as in Trump Tower, the stinking, steaming pile of bullshit upon which the current President resides in the top floor.  From now on I will refer to this as the Russian Tower scandal.
                One of the premises of Oliver’s joke is the question of whether those in the Trump administration/family are so stupid as to get themselves tied up in such an obviously illegal and unethical situation.  The answer is that they are not stupid at all.  They have assessed the modern political reality in the United States with Machiavellian psychopathic clarity.  Their analysis, which is sadly on point, determined that shame is no longer a viable persuasive tool in American politics.  This is a big deal.  Without shame as a border between acceptable and unacceptable behavior, acceptable behavior is redefined in absolute Machiavellian terms, the ends justify any means necessary. 
                What killed shame as a viable persuasive tool in the American Political Theater?  There were a multitude of afflictions which lead to shame’s eventual demise.  One is the daily hyperbolic sensualizing of events on what are considered news outlets.  Second is the relentless ideology of the profit motive within the corporations that control media outlets.  Third is the ubiquitous invasion of personal privacy, real or imagined.  Fourth is the partisan divisions which have given credence to black and white thinking.  Finally, the natural death of nuance that occurs when a people are not adequately taught history and as a result develop poor long term cohesive planning skills. 
                The result has been that American politics and in many cases American life has become an embodiment of a phrase from the opening monologue of the movie Patton, “Americans have never tolerated a man who lost and laughed.  Americans love a winner! Always have, always will.”  While this sentiment makes an excellent battle cry for soldiers you are sending to fight and die, it is a disastrous way for a society to function.  It is this mentality that propelled Trump and his minions to the White House.  Trump’s entire brand is based on the concept, not the reality, of winning.  Trump succeeds to this end by defining whatever he does as winning.  Much like Charlie Sheen.  This is the exact approach that his team used to steal the election and they will make no apology for it.  This not making an apology for it is one of the important reasons why they continue to get away with it.  Don Jr. comes out and says yeah, I met with a hostile foreign government to aide my father in winning the election, so what, it worked. 
                The saddest fact is that the American people are so jaded, divided, overwhelmed, empathy eroded, sacred, and our system is so corrupt that it will work.  It will continue to work for as long as Trump stays in office and those who follow him will adopt his tactics and increase them to absurdity and beyond. 

                This Russian Tower scandal will be the least of the scandals that come out of this administration, so I say we do right by our President and his lifelong goal of promoting his brand and drop the gate and rebrand his scandals appropriately.  

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