Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Jesus takes a stance on Slut-shaming

I have said it from the pulpit and I shall say it again, I, like Jesus Christ, have never had a disparaging word to say about a slut.  Many people seem to have taken issue with this statement so It’s time we look to our biblical text to see the holy truth of this statement. 

                Our first example comes from John 8:1-11. “And the givers of the law and the Pharisees brought before Jesus a woman caught in the act of being a slut.  They said to Jesus, this woman is a slut and the law says that she must be stoned.  When Jesus realized they weren’t talking about taking bong rips, Jesus said unto them, ‘He here who does not like to get a piece of ass should chuck the first rock.’” The sacred and infallible weather report of that day states clearly that the air was rock free.  Then Jesus said to the woman, “Who here has condemned you? No one, she replied.  I didn’t think so, said Jesus.  You have any plans for later? You’re welcome to come over to my place for some Netflix and water.”  Then Jesus and I lived happily ever after, or at least that’s how I remember it.  

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